Hôtel Restaurant Le Jambon
245, rue Carnot
40700 Hagetmau
Phone: +33 (0)5 58 79 32 02
Email : hotellejambon@orange.fr



Hôtel Restaurant Le Jambon ***
245 rue Carnot
40700 Hagetmau
Phone: +33 (0)5 58 79 32 02
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Company Registration: FR 91312123490

CNIL Declaration

Exemption No.7 - Resolution No.2006-138 dated 9 May 2006 which resulted in declaration exemption for data processing used for information purposes or external communication - 9 May 2006 - J.O. No. 128 dated 3 June 2006

Photo Credits

Hôtel*** | Restaurant Le Jambon 245, rue Carnot - 40700 HAGETMAU, France

Intellectual Property Code

Any integral or partial representation or reproduction made without the authors’ or their legal representatives’ consent is illegal. This also applies to any translation, adaptation or transformation, arrangement or reproduction using art or any other procedure.

Protection of website pages and any part of the website

Any copy of any part of this website, even partial, is strictly forbidden.


This website may provide links or references to other websites. Le Jambon Hotel Restaurant is not responsible for the contents of these other websites. They cannot be held liable for any damages from said websites. Links to other websites are merely provided as a convenience.


Despite careful checking by the editorial staff, involuntary errors or omissions may appear on the website. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. You may send any comments or remarks to Le Jambon Hotel Restaurant.


In accordance with the French law concerning Data Processing and Freedom of Information, you have the right to access, correct and delete data concerning you (Article 34 of the French “Data Processing and Freedom of Information” law); you may do so by contacting Le Jambon Hotel Restaurant.


Société OVHCloud – Hébergement web.
2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France
Tél : 09 72 10 10 07– This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Siret : 424 761 419 00045 – RCS Lille Métropole


Design and webhosting: Adiane SAS - Dax - www.adiane.com
English Translation: Christi Bishop Vergez - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Audience Measurement Cookies

1. Telecoms package
The transposition in French law of European directives called "Telecoms Package" highlights informing internet users regarding cookies. The French government has transposed these new standards in a decree published on 24 August 2011 called "Paquet télécom" in French.
2. What do we mean when we say "cookie"?
This means "information stored on a user’s computer" which is placed there by a website. Placing a "cookie" is therefore placing a "tag" on the user’s computer.
3. The CNIL’s position concerning " audience measurement cookies"
The CNIL is aware that editors need to measure the audiences of their websites. It has observed that cookies are frequently used for this purpose and that this device also contributes to the service provided to the internet user. The traffic statistics in particular allow editors to detect navigation issues on their website or to highlight some content specifically requested by internet users.
Given the specific purpose of these cookies and a very limited risk with regard to privacy protection, the CNIL has decided to consider that these cookies may be implemented without prior consent from internet users. However, to benefit from this consent exemption, the CNIL considers that this process must comply with the following specific conditions:
- Information
Clear and comprehensive information must be provided by the website editor to ensure transparency on the use of traffic analysis tools. A weblink to this information, "Disclaimer", appears on every page of the website.
- Access rights
Any individual who proves his/her identity has the right to question the manager of this website to know if information concerning him/her is being kept and if applicable, to be informed of such. See the address above.
- Right to disable cookies
You may disable “cookies” from being saved by configuring your internet browser in one of the following ways:
 . If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer: click on the “tools” button, then click on “Internet options”, and “privacy”. Click on “advanced settings”, check/tick “Ignore automatic cookie management”, check/tick both “forbid” boxes, then click on “apply” and “ok”. (You must then close IE for the configuration to be taken into account).
 . If you use Mozilla Firefox: Click on “tools”, “options”, “privacy”. Uncheck/untick “accept cookies” or click on “exceptions” and enter the website name, then click on “block”.
Some services require users to accept cookies. If the browser is configured to not accept them, access to these services may be impaired or even impossible.
Web browser designers are currently developing new devices to allow internet users to express their privacy preferences.

- Limited purpose:
The use of cookies is strictly limited to measuring website page audiences, without allowing the people visiting our website to be identified.
- IP address: The use of an IP address for geolocation is anonymous and on a city level.
- Length of time data is stored: the data is stored no more than 6 months.
By combining the absence of prior consent with strict terms for implementation of this kind of cookie, the CNIL’s goal is to reconcile the right to privacy and editors’ work. This position is likely to change based on the joint position which may be adopted by all of the European CNIL agencies (G29).

Cookies user preferences
We use cookies to ensure you to get the best experience on our website. If you decline the use of cookies, this website may not function as expected.
Accept all
Decline all
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Tools used to analyze the data to measure the effectiveness of a website and to understand how it works.
Google Analytics